Megan Balhoff, CPA, is a Manager in the P&N Accounting and Assurance Services Group. She joined the firm in 2008.
Megan’s professional experience includes performing and supervising audits for clients in a wide range of industries, including audits of school boards and municipal governments, organizations receiving HUD Section 8 assistance, non-profit, and others. Megan also has extensive experience performing single audits of many different federal award programs and is knowledgeable of the regulatory, compliance and reporting requirements of governmental entities. Megan has experience assisting government agencies with the compilation of Annual Financial Reports (AFR).
Megan regularly attends not-for-profit and governmental accounting and auditing conferences and seminars, and has instructed numerous internal training courses on these topics. Additionally, Megan is a member of the P&N Governmental Niche Group.
Education & Certifications
- Certified Public Accountant
- Master of Science, Accounting, Louisiana State University
- Bachelor of Science, Accounting, Louisiana State University
Professional Affiliations
- Member, Society of Louisiana Certified Public Accountants
- Member, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants